Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Random Thoughts

Just a few things on my mind. :)

The East Coast earthquake got top billing in the news yesterday. Apparently, no one was hurt and there wasn't any major damage, thank God. I read a couple of humorous facebook status updates about it. One cited a previously unknown fault line running beneath the White House named "Bush's Fault". Another opined that the quake was caused by the founding fathers rolling over in their graves. A third confirmed that it was, indeed, an earthquake and not the $14 trillion check bouncing all over D.C. Well, I thought they were funny. :)

Hurricane Irene is churning up the Atlantic. The storm is projected to hit somewhere along the East Coast, anywhere from coastal South Carolina to New Jersey. It's my hope and prayer that Irene is steered off into the ocean, away from land. It is also my prayer that we on the Gulf Coast are spared any storms this season. Our family has been uprooted twice in the last 6 years by major hurricanes (Rita in 2005 and Ike in 2008). Not fun.

I am so ready for Fall that I can hardly stand it. Actually, here in south Louisiana, we really only have 2 seasons: Summer, which runs from April to October, and Not Summer, which runs from November to March. :) It gets cold in the months you'd expect cold, though. I've never been a Summer gal. The heat and humidity get to be too much for me to handle with any grace. If I was rich, I'd have a summer home in Alaska. But I'm not rich, so I stay here and gripe about the heat, and occasionally take a drive to get some decent air conditioning. :) 

It's late, and I'm finally sleepy (expect a post in the near future on insomnia and how I'd like not to have it), so I'll close here.

Have a blessed day! :)


  1. Cute!!! Thanking God for these sunny, warm days. Great for me. Can go out walking and praying for people as I walk. Keep up your blogs. They are very interesting.

  2. Enjoying these warm sunny days. Also enjoyed the humor in your blog. Have a blessed day.
    (From your aunt.)


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Ain't No Right Way (To Do the Wrong Thing)

Greetings, y'all! 👋😄 It's been a hot minute, and here we are 23 days into May! 😲 Hurricane season will be here before we know it....