Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Ain't No Right Way (To Do the Wrong Thing)

Greetings, y'all! 👋😄

It's been a hot minute, and here we are 23 days into May! 😲 Hurricane season will be here before we know it. 

My title is a Toby Keith song title, and it's only somewhat semi-related to the topic of this post. 


If you've spent any time in Facebook Groups, you know that they run the gamut from "Only Admins Can Post" to "Wild West Free-For-All" (a.k.a. "Spam Central Station"). I'm in several groups, but rarely participate in them (and I could probably drop out of a lot of them, as my interests have changed). 

Anyway, I went temporarily insane (😉) and started my own Facebook Group for fans of Toby Keith, because one group I was in seemed to have a profit motive, and the other one had an Admin who was MIA and spammers/scammers had taken over, inundating the group with their assorted crap. Our group has been active for almost a month now, and except for a couple of instances, the members have been really respectful and are making the group a kind, welcoming, and fun community. We just celebrated 200 members! 🎉🥳

I've seen a lot of scams during my years of being on the internet. "Nigerian princes" looking for someone to take their bajillions of dollars, "recovery scammers" who, for a "small" fee, will help you get your money back from the "Nigerian prince" who conned you (likely the "prince" and the "knight in shining armor" are the same scammer), "romance scams" where the victim gets strung along by a scammer until the money runs out, "Company X is giving away buckets of cash to the first 100 people who share this post and comment.", and scammers on social media using  celebrity and "celebrity-adjacent" account names (and phony "blue check" icons) promising the world to whoever falls for their con. 

The biggest thing I think people should be aware of is that in most cases, "blue check" celebrities aren't the ones managing their social media accounts. They usually have "people", and they just don't send private messages to fans. They also aren't giving away cars or cash for "shares" and "likes" on social media (and neither are their family members, managers, or anyone else legitimately associated with them). I know we all would like to believe that we've been chosen by our favorite celebrity for special attention, but the fact is, it just ain't happenin'. Not for 99.9% of people, anyway. 

Y'all, please, think before you answer that private message from someone claiming to be rich and/or famous. Look for the bona fide signs of the real, official, verified account, and for God's sake, DO NOT send money (or gift cards, or your bank account details, or your login credentials) to them! Be safe, be smart, be aware! 

Love y'all! ✌❤🙏🤗


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Ain't No Right Way (To Do the Wrong Thing)

Greetings, y'all! 👋😄 It's been a hot minute, and here we are 23 days into May! 😲 Hurricane season will be here before we know it....