Saturday, September 21, 2013

Random Thoughts (Now in Color!)

Some of you may remember when color television was a new thing, and shows boasted that they were broadcast IN COLOR (!!). Series that started out in black and white made the switch to NOW IN COLOR (!!!). By the time I was a regular viewer of television, everything was in color, so it wasn't a big deal. My generation saw the birth of NOW IN HIGH DEFINITION (!!!!). I don't know what the next innovation will be, but you can bet it'll have at least 5 exclamation points.

Did you know that at one time, one of the selling points of Crisco shortening was that it was digestible? The can on which I observed this bit of marketing genius was old, but it couldn't have been more than 30 years old, and shortening has been around much longer than that. Remarkably, however, the can had remained unopened until 2009, and the product was still good! The (now-empty) can has been saved for posterity.

Anyone who has seen an infomercial has witnessed the hilarious (but often head-scratching) difficulties using such items as jars of mixed fruit, small appliances that have an evil agenda, and even the humble blanket. When the original Perfect Pancake pan came out, my family and I sat in awe as footage (in black and white, of course) rolled showing a glop of pancake batter being dropped in about an inch of grease in an ordinary skillet. The voiceover lamented that everyone loves pancakes, but "ALL that added FAT!!!" The scene switches to a pair of hands breaking open an egg into a stainless steel skillet. The voiceover complains that eggs stick and make a mess as a spatula-wielding hand attempts to flip the egg cooking in a skillet with no oil whatsoever. Enter (IN COLOR!!) the Perfect Pancake pan! After seeing that infomercial, any time an ad comes on TV showing morons trying to do simple tasks (and failing miserably), we look at each other and say, "Deep fried pancakes, dry-fried eggs!" 

There are a few infomercial products that fill a niche, and they perform as advertised. A great many, however, are "variations on a theme", and the tasks the products are meant to make easier really aren't all that difficult to begin with. As an old neighbor told my dad one day, "That's for selling, not for buying." 

I have to give props to the infomercial actors, though. I can't imagine how hard it must be to not only act as though they haven't a brain in their head, but go out into the public knowing that everyone thinks they're an idiot. 

The first cool front of the season pushed through today! :-D The cooler temperatures won't last long, but it's a welcome respite from the humid heat. Come on, Fall! :-D 

Have a blessed day! :-) 

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Ain't No Right Way (To Do the Wrong Thing)

Greetings, y'all! 👋😄 It's been a hot minute, and here we are 23 days into May! 😲 Hurricane season will be here before we know it....