Greetings, y'all! 👋😄
Don't let the title fool you. I won't be talking about a bar in this post. 😉 To be honest, I will probably talk about a little of this and a little of that, and maybe it'll all tie in together somehow. More'n likely, though, it'll probably look like this:
I had a birthday Monday. 🎉🥳 I began my last year in my 40s, and I'm actually pretty happy about it. 😊 I've never been one to lie about my age. I've never said, "Oh, I'm 29 and holding." or "Forever 39!" or "I'm 21 and change!" I'll proudly shout, "I'M 588 MONTHS OLD!" (I bet you didn't expect to have to do math. 😉) Overall, I had a good birthday, and I'm looking forward to what this year brings. 😊
Tuesday morning, scrolling through Facebook (as I do), I was punched in the gut seeing this post:
That he died on my birthday just made the hit that much harder.
I became a fan of Toby Keith's around 2005, when his "Honkytonk University" album came out. I was aware of him and had heard a few of his older songs (and seen those 10-10-220 commercials he was in with Terry Bradshaw 😄), but I wasn't really "into" country music at the time. I don't know what it was about him and his music, but when I started paying attention, I was hooked. There haven't been many artists that I've felt compelled to buy their back catalog to "catch up", but TK was one of the very few whose music resonated with me to that extent. I never got to see him live in concert, but I don't feel like I really needed to. He was a great songwriter, he had a terrific sense of humor, and he came across as real. He's gone on to his reward, but his music will keep him alive in the hearts of his fans.
The rest of Tuesday didn't really improve, as I had to continue attempting to help a family member handle some business that has been a thorn for the past 2 years. I used up all my "polite" and "professional" on that task, and by the end of the day, the problem still wasn't resolved. 😒 And I only got about 2 hours of paid work done. It's been a long time since I've felt so defeated and just DONE. 😢
This morning (Wednesday), I felt a little better, and I managed to do some actual work. The other business will have to wait a day or 2, though, because I have to focus on my job...
Sometimes I have a whole post in me in one sitting, and sometimes I lose the thread and have to set it aside for a while. 🤷
It's currently just after 1 a.m. on Sunday, February 11th.
Thursday was relatively productive, and I managed to get more actual work done. Thursday night was miserable, and I got no sleep at all. I logged in to work at 4 a.m. Friday morning instead of tossing and turning like a rotisserie chicken, and I got a bit accomplished before I had to take an important phone call at 8 a.m. Another important phone call was supposed to happen at 10 a.m., but for unknown reasons, it didn't happen until 2:30 p.m. Both calls went well, and a couple things that had been back-burnered for way too long are now handled and quite a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. 🙌
I'm glad that the week is over, to be honest. Here's hoping that next week will be better. ✌💓🙏😊
Be blessed, and be a blessing!
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